Jeff Haanen

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Do the Hard Work of Thinking Theologically

Reading theologians, studying Scripture, listening to sermons, examining church history,
memorizing creeds – this is so much work! To that I would say, yes, that’s 100% correct.
Thinking theologically is hard, taxing work.

But so is preparing for a final exam, walking alongside a friend going through a divorce,
training for a marathon, signing yourself up for an alcoholics anonymous group, or working at a job for extra hours to pay for your child’s sports fees. All growth is difficult, but we
cannot truly become like Christ without the renewing of our minds…and doing hard things (Romans 12:1-2).

We need to learn. We need to think. We need to be reading, listening, and applying. And we
need to do so in Christian community, like the church. Worldview is important. Doctrines are
tools for seeing reality. And the gospel is not just private truth; it is the public truth for all

Here are some practices I’ve noticed among those who excel at thinking theologically.

Decide that thinking well is a non-negotiable part of your Christian life.

In the struggle for civil rights, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. gave a sermon on August 30, 1959
encouraging his listeners to be both tough minded and tender hearted. Drawing on Jesus’
command to become wise as serpents and innocent as doves, he says being tough minded,
“is that quality of life characterized by incisive thinking, realistic appraisal, and decisive
judgment. The tough mind is sharp and penetrating. It breaks through the crust of legends
and myths and sifts true from the false. The tough-minded individual is astute and

And yet, says Dr. King, “So few people ever achieve it. All too many are content with the soft
mind. It is a rarity indeed to find men willing to engage in hard, solid thinking.” [x] The majority,
says Dr. King, are gullible and willing to accept advertising and political slogans as truth. The
few make the real commitment to being like God, who is both tough minded and tender

Every idea – whether a work email or a storyline in a movie – must be held up to the light of
truth. This commitment goes hand in hand with the commitment to following Christ as both
Lord and Teacher.

Make the space in your schedule and your home for clear thinking.

Our world is crowded with noise. Social media, apps, media – finding the quiet space to
actually think and reflect has become a real challenge in a world addicted to being
constantly connected. We all are too busy and find ourselves constantly distracted.

It takes discipline to shut the screen off, and get out a notebook. It takes resolve to refuse
the easy media of Netflix and choose the slow media of the written word. It takes forethought
to gather a group of friends for a conversation about a substantive book and arch the
conversation toward questions that matter.

We must choose to make space for a deeper, broader life. It won’t happen by accident.

Choose your reading diet wisely.

Tim Macready is from Sydney, Australia. Sporting glasses, goatee, and a down-under
accent, Tim’s work has led him to the intersection of Christian faith, social justice, environmental stewardship, and business. His work requires him to understand everything
from financial projections to international markets.

And yet, when I asked Tim recently about the books that most helped him in his work, he
mentioned Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Life Together and The Cost of Discipleship. Theology, he
said, helped him better understand human nature, which directly influenced how we thought
of investing, business, and those he works with each day.

People like Tim are intentional with both their reading diet and their friendships. As a result,
they become wise (Proverbs 13:20). And they don’t read just theology, they read broadly
outside their fields. Doing so helps them make connections between topics, including
connecting theology to the secular world they live in. Broad reading, broad listening, and
broad relationships open the path to seeing a broader slice of God’s world. [xi]

Take risks based on what you know to be true.

Thinking theologically is not just an intellectually disconnected activity from the rest of life.
It’s a habit that is strengthened through practice, action, and then reflection.

Mary Poplin has spent her career teaching teachers. After a lifetime of reflection on how
Christian faith can and should be lived out as a public school teacher, Mary counsels
believers in education to take practical action steps based on the Christian worldview.

“Give kids direct instruction,” Mary says in a talk she once gave to other public school
teachers. “Be strict, but have high personal interaction with students and believe in their
potential. Teach religion in public schools in a way that’s fair. Don’t romanticize history –
either secular or Christian. Teach virtue and encourage moral conversations among
students. Pray for your students, be courageous in sharing your faith, and compassionate
with other views.” [xii]

Mary believes deeply that thinking well and living well are two sides of the same coin of
faithfulness in a secular industry.

Embrace that thinking theologically is for you, no matter your job, community, or title.

Thinking theologically is for the rich and the poor, those with PhDs and those with high
school degrees, those who are culture-makers and those who are culture-takers.

Take, for example, two very different people: Gisela Kreglinger and Gregorio Trinidad.
Gisela is a vintner who grew up on a family winery in Bavaria in south-east Germany. She
went on to get a PhD from the University of Edinburgh and write a comprehensive biblical
theology of wine in the biblical narrative, entitled The Spirituality of Wine. A world away,
Gregorio is an immigrant to the United States who works in Denver to support family back in
Mexico. His family has a small farm in central Mexico that he regularly visits, in which he
raises corn for elote. He once said about his family farm, “Today, on December 2, we sow
[seeds] in the name of our Creator and in that same name we hope with faith and patience
that by February 20 we can enjoy the fruit of that sowing.”

Though Gisela and Gregorio are from different social worlds, they both work in agriculture and they both see their work in light of Christian revelation.

Theological Action

In December 2019, University of North Carolina professor Molly Worthen wrote an op-ed for
the New York Times entitled, “What Would Jesus Do About Inequality?” She featured
leading voices on vocation in the U.S., noting that the faith and work movement today is
more interested in economic justice than baptizing laissez faire economics. She also wrote,

“In today’s evangelicalism, this is where the theological action is: the faith and work movement, the intersection of Christianity with the demands of the workplace and the broader economy.” [xiii]

I had to read that twice, before pausing to feel a proper sense of pride in being a small part of “where the theological action.” Theology, if we pursue it and know it, is indeed intended for action.

It’s easy to dismiss that “thinking theologically” is just for the few or the academically-
minded. This simply isn’t true. It is a gift from God for all the church to see our work and daily
life in light of Scripture, Christian doctrine, and the gospel grace. The Psalmist was right: “In
your light, we see light.” But to do that, we need to admit that what we think is who we
become. “For as a man thinks within himself, so he is,” (Proverbs 23:7, NASB).

This article is an excerpt from my latest book Working from the Inside Out: A Brief Guide to Inner Work that Transforms Our Outer World. It’s also available as an audio book. Click here for a free study guide

[x] Martin Luther King Jr., “A Tough Mind and a Tender Heart,” Stanford University, August 30, 1959,

[xi] For more on this topic, see my article: Jeff Haanen, “Broader, Not Deeper,” October 3, 2016,

[xii] Jeff Haanen, “What It Means to Follow Christ as a Public School Teacher,” July 17, 2005,

[xiii] Molly Worthen, “What Would Jesus Do About Inequality,” The New York Times, 13 December 2019,


Theology for Business (Keynote Address)

This is the keynote address I gave for the recent event “For Whose Glory: Exploring Faithful Practice in Life, Leadership and Business.” Below I’ve included a brief outline of my talk. The video also includes all slides from my presentation. Like it? Visit my speaking page by clicking the menu above. 

I. Introduction: What is the purpose of business?

  1. The answer from business culture
  2. The answer from church culture
  3. The answer from conferences like this

Thesis: Christian theology is just as important for your business life as finance, operations or sales, customers or employees.

II. First, the doctrine of CREATION and FALL calls us to THINK THEOLOGICALLY about the purpose of business.

  1. The purpose of business is to provide for the needs of world by serving customers and creating meaningful work, while giving glory to God.
  2. It provides
    1. The goods and services we depend on every day
    2. Meaningful work
    3. The wealth we need to afford those goods and services
  3. Business is an extension of God’s own work of creation
  4. The Fall impacted both our work and our business, which we see most clearly in the Prophets
    1. Idolatry causes injustice
    2. The hinge between provision and oppression is the God we worship in business life.
  5. “For whose glory?” is a critical questions which will determine how we answer the question of the purpose of business.

III. Second, the doctrine of the TRINITY calls us to EMBRACE RELATIONSHIPS.

  1. The American workforce is stressed, disengaged, and unhappy (Gallup/BCG Research)
  2. God is relationship – Father, Son and Holy Spirit – and healthy businesses are bound together through healthy relationships based on a foundation of trust.

IV. Third, the doctrine of the RESURRECTION calls us to CREATE GOOD WORK.

  1. We tend to not talk about business at church because we don’t think it’s a part of the gospel, or “good news”
  2. The resurrection calls us to think more comprehensively about redemption, creation, and, thus, our work.
  3. Our daily work matters because God is redeeming not just individual souls but all of creation.

V. Fourth, the doctrine of VOCATION calls us to SEEK DEEP SPIRITUAL HEALTH.

  1. The exhilaration and speed of business life rarely affords us the opportunity to slow down and ask “Who are we becoming?”
  2. The word vocation comes form the latin root vox, or voice: it’s about responding to the voice of God in the day to day lives, including our business decisions.


  1. Central to the gospel is that Christ gave his life for ours.
  2. It’s one thing to talk about customer service in our business, or even creating a company of “love.” But it’s another to talk about sacrificial love.
  3. Boaz was a model “Christian business leader,” as he calls us to hire and care for the “Ruth’s” of our day.

VII. Conclusion: Christian faith calls us to think theologically about the purpose of business, to embrace relationships, to create work in a spirit of hope, to admit our flaws as we seek deep spiritual health, and to serve others sacrificially in our city.  

Health CareScienceWork

An Ancient Christian Vision for Modern Medicine


Meet the Denver doctor on a hilarious, heartfelt search for the healing ingredient in health care.

“Do you remember our handshake? The Nussbaum handshake? First you slap, then you shake, then you slide! It’s the Nussbaum sandshake, the Nussnutt landrake, the Fussbutt bandlake, the Cussbutt taketake!”

Martha, a retired nurse battling depression, found herself once again on the psych unit under the care of Dr. Abraham Nussbaum, a psychiatrist at Denver Health and author of a new memoir, The Finest Traditions of My Calling: One Physician’s Search for the Renewal of Medicine. After years of hospitalizations, Martha formalized her affection for Dr. Nussbaum with “the dreamshake.” Slide and shake, pinky swear, fist bump, explosion.

But why the dreamshake? What did Martha dream about her doctor? Was he a scientist, friend, lover, pill-provider, teacher, technician—or savior?

In a mammoth industry—in 2014, $3 trillion, or $9,523 per American, was spent on health care—competing visions for reform abound. Nussbaum, a 41-year-old Catholic physician, ushers readers through a wild, weird, head scratching, infuriating, and tender odyssey into the dizzying diversity of modern medicine.

Part journalist, part comic, part philosopher, and part shrink, Nussbaum’s search for the healing of healthcare culminates not with the wonders of technology or a recipe for cost-saving, but instead with a fourth-century bishop’s call to build a “poor house” for the ill.

Comedy and Tragedy

On the second day of med school, a young female pathology resident grabbed lunch from the cafeteria and accompanied Nussbaum to his first autopsy. She casually chatted while cutting open an elderly man’s chest—opening the rib cage, removing the organs, and plopping intestines into the sink before she “ran the bowel,” spilling out feces.

As guts spilled out of the cadaver, Nussbaum asked if she ever considered vegetarianism. “No,” she said. “Why would you ask?”

For Nussbaum, residency began by learning how to handle dead body parts; it eventually grew to learning how to handle co-workers.

As a third-year resident, Nussbaum (the rookie) shadowed Cannon, an intern with small glasses, curly hair and pearly teeth. Around three in the morning, a nurse paged them about a patient with a case of the hiccups.

“Okay, Rook, look up treatments for intractable hiccups,” Cannon said.

“Chlorpromazine. Haloperidol. Methylphenidate. Baclofen. Midazolam. Rectal massage.”

“What was that last one?”

“Rectal massage.”

“Uh-huh. That’s the one. Rook, let me teach you. You’ve got to show the nurse who’s in charge.”

The furious nurses massaged the patient’s rectum every 15 minutes the entire night—and made sure to page Cannon mercilessly for the next half decade while on call.

It’s hard to say whether the physicians, the patients, or the consultants in The Finest Traditions of My Calling are more entertaining.

Dr. Paul Bregman, one of Colorado’s many marijuana doctors, arrives to lunch wearing Air Jordans, tweed pants, and a black t-shirt, and tries to offer Nussbaum a bag of cannabis-infused Ho-Hos (“I want you to see the amazing”). Connie, a patient who is sure her sister is plotting to harm Peyton Manning, won’t relent until the star quarterback visits her in treatment. A team of health care consultants prints t-shirts with the new hospital motto. They get tossed from floor to floor by underwhelmed doctors and nurses, and eventually worn by wild-eyed patients on the third-floor psych unit who could uniquely identify with the new slogan: “I’M COMMITTED.”

Yet the comedy of medicine often gives way to the tragic.

Bao was a 43-year-old Vietnamese immigrant who regularly visited the emergency department reporting chest pain, suicidal thoughts, and anxiety. She felt “as lonely as an empty cup.” One night, Bao, a self-described virgin, requested birth control pills. When asked why, she said, “I met a man.”

“Can you tell me about him?”

“My car broke down on the highway. I was on the side of the road and a police officer helped me call a tow truck. Then he told me he was separated from his wife and wondered if we could get together some time. For sex. He told me he liked Asian ladies.”

The internist had prescribed Ortho Tri-Cyclen for birth control, but had missed Bao’s real story completely.

“The value of experience,” said Sir William Osler, founder of the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, “is not in seeing much, but in seeing wisely.” Has modern medicine reduced people to “parts and money,” billing patients for defective limbs or organs, yet forgotten to cultivate deeper virtues?

Amidst such a circus, where does one look to discover and “to preserve the finest traditions of my calling,” to which the Hippocratic Oath refers?

The World’s First Hospital   

While enrolled in an AmeriCorps program after college, Nussbaum lived at a Dominican priory. One night, he arrived for mandatory vespers for hymn singing. They cracked open their hymnals to the 72nd Psalm,

“He will rescue the poor at their call,
those no one speaks for.
Those no one cares for
he hears and will save.
He saves their lives from violence,
lives precious in his eyes.”

Having just seen Francisnek, a homeless Polish immigrant whose sobriety was the boast of the rescue mission, slip back into alcoholism, Nussbaum longed for the fulfillment of the psalmist’s promise.

In contrast to the scotch-sipping, sitcom watching friars, the Sinsinawa Dominicans, their sister community down the road, “seemed strangely alive in the absence of men.” One nun handed Nussbaum a “holy card”—like a baseball card for Catholics—of two saints, Cosmas and Damian, “Physicians and Martyrs” who promised to turn their bearers into “willing and loving servants.” Considering the call to medicine, Nussbaum’s pilgrimage took him to Duke University, to study the history of medicine under theologian Stanley Hauwerwas.

In the ancient Greek tradition, sick people came to the temple of Asclepius, the Greek god of medicine, and offered gifts in exchange for health. Likewise, Greek doctors saw only those who could pay, and there was no public duty toward the sick. But the Jewish tradition of hospitality and the Christian tradition of charity to the poor birthed a new, public commitment to the ill.

In 370, Basil, the new bishop of Caesarea, built a ptochotropeion, or house for the poor, ill, and dispossessed. Located on city’s edge, so it would be accessible especially to travelers and strangers, clerics, deacons, and lay physicians gave patients rest, meals, and care. Basil believed Christians were responsible for the social welfare of the entire city, not only the wealthy. Many scholars today consider Basil’s ptochotropeion to be the first hospital in Western society, the foundation of public-health efforts, and the historical inspiration behind hospitals for the indigent ill in cities throughout the West.

Denver Health, where Nussbaum practices medicine today, descends from Basil’s vision, however loosely. Outside the hospital is a bench, cut from stone, that reads “DO JUSTICE. LOVE GOODNESS. WALK HUMBLY.” The omission of God’s name from the prophet Micah’s famous injunction is both a symbol of medicine’s forgotten origin and a testimony to longings for a deeper, more soul-satisfying vision of the physician’s vocation.

Each morning, when Nussbaum’s arises from bed, he gazes upon an image of Basil of Caesarea. “To place the hope of one’s heath in the hands of the doctor is the act of an irrational animal,” wrote Basil. But “when reason allows, we call in the doctor, but we do not leave off hoping in God.”

Engagement with Faith

The Finest Traditions of My Calling is a sparkling, heart-wrenching, hilarious success.

Even when critiquing quality improvement experts, the narrative still charms. Nussbaum once compares Atul Gawande’s New Yorker essay on “Big Med,” which promises healthcare will be saved by becoming like aircraft carriers or assembly-line restaurants, to “Famous Factory Meatloaf” produced at the Cheesecake Factory.

Yet it’s his serious and delightful engagement with Christianity that really elevates the book. He praises Hildegard of Bingen, a medieval abbess, musician, mystic, and pre-modern clinician, for gently nursing both gardens and patients back to health. Dr. Paul Farmer, founder of Partners in Health, advocates an application of liberation theology to health care, and opens clinics for the impoverished from Malawi to Peru to Russia. Nussbaum suffers alongside of one of his patients, Eleanor, who struggles to believe in a God who let her mother die of cancer.

Most books on medicine either completely ignore Christianity (and assume medicine started in the 20th century) or see it as a tactic for converting patients. But here, faith is a surprising source of hope. Though Nussbaum doesn’t claim to be a “Catholic psychiatrist,” (he unconvincingly claims to be a “bad Catholic” in the vein of the novelist Walker Percy), his Christian commitments shine through with the humility of St. Luke the Physician.

Yet perhaps Nussbaum’s greatest triumph is turning a medical memoir, a genre that can inspire intractable cases of yawning, into an accessible adventure for a general audience, one worthy of a sequel or even a film adaptation.

Weeks after finishing the book, my daughters are still asking me to do the Nussbaum handshake.

This book review first appeared on

Faith and Work MovementTheology

A Better Starting Point for the Faith and Work Movement, Part 2


In my last post, I mulled over all the times I buzzed around the topic of faith and work with pastors, only to bump into the screen door of misunderstanding time and time again. Sometimes I felt like a fly; other times like a mime trying to get my message across with frantic hand gestures.

Either way, I’ve concluded that the best place to start conversations around faith and work with pastors is this: Jesus’ death and resurrection begins the redemption of all of creation.

This doesn’t seem all that controversial, but I do think it is unique. Many of the theological voices I respect the most in the faith and work movement start with either Genesis 1-2 or Revelation 21-22. The idea is to regain both a knowledge of God as a Creator (and our identity as sub-creators and workers) or the fact that aspects of human culture (and work) will be in the renewed heavens and earth.  What’s central, they say, is to recover the “book ends” of Scripture.

Both of these themes and biblical passages are hugely important. We need to recover the grand biblical narrative.

But at the center of Christian faith is neither Genesis 1 & 2 nor the renewed heavens and earth. The center point of Christianity has always been the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. If I share any common point with all pastors (and all Christians), here it is.

We are accustomed to thinking of Jesus’ death and resurrection primarily in terms of substitutionary atonement. And rightly so. But we are less likely to think of the events of Passion Week as a glorious beginning.

Let me try to explain myself by breaking the above statement into three parts:

  • “Jesus death and resurrection begins…” On Sunday morning, the first day of the week, as the morning sun dawned Mary found the tomb empty. She mistook Jesus for the gardener. But in a sense, the resurrected Christ was just the original Gardener: he was taking Mary back to the Garden of Eden. NT Wright makes the case that John’s account of the resurrection in John 20 is trying to point us to the creation narrative. Just as the Spirit of God hovered over the dark primordial chaos of Genesis 1:1-2, so the world was coming apart on Good Friday as dark clouds filled the air. And just as God spoke the universe into existence, so Resurrection Sunday is the beginning of the new world, the new creation.

First century Jews expected the resurrection to happen at the end of time, but in Christ, here is the resurrection in the middle of time. In a sense, because of the resurrection, heaven has already begun in this world.  In Christ, the restoration of the created order has begun, and his followers now are a part of that new creation (2 Cor. 5:17) in this age, in this fallen world.

  • “…the redemption…” In Al Wolters slim classic Creation Regained, he makes the case that the New Testament is loaded with words that begin with re-: re-demption, re-conciliation, re-storation, re-newal. Each has the connotation of going back to a prior healthy or whole state. Redemption is the recovery of freedom after having been enslaved; reconciliation is the making of peace between former friends who had become enemies; restoration is the action of returning something to a former owner, place, or condition. Jesus’ death and resurrection, therefore, means salvation is far wider and broader than my personal soul and spiritual destiny. He is the redeemer of the entire world (Col 1:15-20).
  • “…of all of creation.” Sin has infected everything: our hearts, our relationships, our work, our neighborhoods, our cities, and the physical world itself. But if sin is found all these areas, then Christ is in the business of bringing his resurrection life to all these areas as well. “He comes to make his blessings flow as far as the curse is found.” From golf course management to conservation efforts to the formation of government leaders in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The Church, which worships on the first day of the week, lives continually in light of the resurrection today, with a great and glorious hope hidden in our breasts, but soon to be revealed to all the world (Romans 8:19).

So what about work? If we think about “creation” in terms of plants, water or mountains, we’ve missed it. Creation is not just where we go hiking on Saturday. But even taking the example of plants, how do humans principally interact with plants? (1) Agriculture, and feeding the world. (2) Manufacturing, everything from pharmaceuticals to plastic bottles. (3) Conservation efforts, from Brazil to Africa. (4) Gardening! We make plants more fruitful for the sake of providing for human needs (including the need for beauty).

At each point, for better or worse, work is our human act of creation. The arena in which humans participate in, shape, and form creation is principally through work.

It’s a simple idea, but for those of us inside the faith and work movement, I think it’s centrally important to make the case that our message is central to the gospel itself.

If we can do this, we can ask bigger, broader questions about the meaning of Jesus’ death and resurrection for our calling, our work, our jobs, our neighborhoods, our economy, and all the industries, individuals and institutions that make up human civilization.  We may even convince more pastors to work together on sermons, songs, or Sunday school classes related to “theology of work” and calling.

In so doing we can continue the project that generations of Christians before us have begun – which today we now simply dub “the integration of faith and work.”

Photo Credit: The Empty Tomb, by George Richardson

This blog post first appeared on The Green Room.


Book Review of Forsaken: The Trinity and the Cross, and Why It Matters

I recently published a short book review in Christianity Today of Thomas McCall’s Forsaken: The Trinity and the Cross, and Why It Matters (IVP Academic).

ImageJesus’ lonely cry on the cross—”My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”—has bewildered Christians for centuries. Does this mean the Trinity was broken at Calvary? Or worse, did God kill his own Son? Tackling tough topics ranging from determinism to divine wrath, Thomas McCall denounces contemporary theologies that pit God against God in favor of solidly biblical and Trinitarian views of the Atonement. As a collection of systematic theology essays, the book doesn’t dazzle, but its brevity, clarity, and balanced perspective make Forsaken worth reading.

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